Hey Everyone, This is a Short and Simple 20 minute Ashtanga Yoga Class. Perfect for when you want to get in a full body workout with some meditative breath but only have 20 minutes to spare. This Ashtanga yoga class is easily accessible to beginners, we start with Sun Salutations, move thru the first two Forward folds, (Padangusthasana, Padahastasana) Triangle pose, (Trikonasana), Pyrmaid pose, (Parsvottanasana), and on to seated poses including Staff pose (Dandasana), Head to Knee pose, (Janusirsasana A), Wheel Pose, (Urdhva Dhanurasana) Padmasana with Janu Mudra, and finally, Final rest pose (Shavasana). This class is great if you have never practiced Ashtanga Yoga before, we go slow enough you will not feel overwhelmed. Grab a block if you like to use one and join me!
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