Hey Everyone, Check out Justin doing is 2nd Series morning Ashtanga Yoga Practice! The Ashtanga Yoga 2nd Series is known as Nadi Shodona or nerve cleansing. By opening and cleaning the nadis (energy channels), we also open the functioning of our chakras. The poses (comprising of deep backbends, twists, leg-over-head poses and arm balances) open the internal energy channels and enable prana to flow more freely throughout the body. Kundalini is stored at the base of our spine deep in our hips and our central energy channel (the shushumna) runs along the spinal cord. The deep hip openers and backbends of the Intermediate Series release the kundalini force and pushes it up the shoshumna so it circulates into the entire system. We are cleaning, letting go, and healing when we practice the 2nd series as well as sweating LOL ; ) It's no easy practice that's for sure!! Hope you enjoy it, look for some intro to the 2nd series videos coming soon!
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